Optimum experimental design for a regression on a hypercube-generalization of Hoel’s result

by Ewaryst Rafajłowicz, Wojciech Myszka
Abstract. In the note Hoel’s result (1965, Ann. Math. Statist., 36, 1097- 1106) is generalized to a large family of experimental design optimality criterions. Sufficient conditions for optimality criterion are given, which ensure existence of the optimum experimental design measure which is a product of design measures on lower dimensional domains.
Optimum experimental design for a regression on a hypercube-generalization of Hoel’s result (Ewaryst Rafajłowicz, Wojciech Myszka), In Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, volume 40, 1988.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  Rafajlowicz1988,
  author	= {Rafajłowicz, Ewaryst and Myszka, Wojciech},
  title		= {Optimum experimental design for a regression on a hypercube-generalization of {Hoel's} result},
  journal	= {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics},
  year		= {1988},
  volume	= {40},
  number	= {4},
  pages		= {821-827},
  abstract	= {Abstract. In the note Hoel's result (1965, Ann. Math. Statist., 36, 1097- 1106) is generalized to a large family of experimental design optimality criterions.
		  Sufficient conditions for optimality criterion are given, which ensure existence of the optimum experimental design measure which is a product of design measures
		  on lower dimensional domains.},
  gsid		= {16202948227479796073},
  important	= {54cc2b2c},
  keywords	= {planowanie eksperymentu, regresja, iloczyn Kroneckera},
  url		= {http://www.ism.ac.jp/editsec/aism/pdf/040_4_0821.pdf}