If you throw a gecko at Teflon, will he stick? UA researchers found the answer – Local – Ohio

Warto przeczytać cały artykuł. Zaczyna się od zabawnego pytania: czy gekony (które chodzą po prawie wszystkim) mogą chodzić po teflonie. A po mokrym teflonie (czy może raczej teflonie, który znajduje się pod wodą)?

I jak zwykle: eksperyment, wnioski. Jedno jest inaczej niż u nas: pytanie jak tę wiedzę wykorzystać…

“OK, buddy, how about this one: Can you walk on Teflon?”

The answer: not very well. The popular DuPont nonstick product not only resists cheese omelets, but it also presented a significant challenge to the hairy toes of the gecko.

via If you throw a gecko at Teflon, will he stick? UA researchers found the answer – Local – Ohio.

The Science of Scientific Writing

Fore everyone: also applicable beyond the specific field for which it was written.

The fundamental purpose of scientific discourse is not the mere presentation of information and thought, but rather its actual communication. It does not matter how pleased an author might be to have converted all the right data into sentences and paragraphs; it matters only whether a large majority of the reading audience accurately perceives what the author had in mind. Therefore, in order to understand how best to improve writing, we would do well to understand better how readers go about reading. Such an understanding has recently become available through work done in the fields of rhetoric, linguistics and cognitive psychology. It has helped to produce a methodology based on the concept of reader expectations.

Source: The Science of Scientific Writing » American Scientist.

#IoTH: The Internet of Things and Humans – O'Reilly Radar

Internet Rzeczy () staje się dziś coraz bardziejpopularną ideą. My, ciągle jeszcze, jesteśmy na etapie przemyśleń. Gdzie indziej — zaczyna być to realizowane.

W cytowanym artykule garść przemyśleń Tima O’Reilly:

My point is that when you think about the Internet of Things, you should be thinking about the complex system of interaction between humans and things, and asking yourself how sensors, cloud intelligence, and actuators which may be other humans for now make it possible to do things differently. It is that creativity in finding the difference that will lead to the breakthrough applications for the Internet of Things and Humans.

źródło: O’Reilly Radar

Tiny power generator runs on spit – Energy Harvesting Journal

Interesujące doniesienia pokazujące, że można użyć śliny jako elektrolitu w niewielkich bateriach…

Saliva-powered micro-sized microbial fuel cells can produce minute amounts of energy sufficient to run on-chip applications, according to an international team of engineers. Bruce E. Logan, Evan Pugh Professor and Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering, Penn State, credited the idea to fellow researcher Justine E. Mink. “The idea was Justine’s because she was thinking about sensors for such things as glucose monitoring for diabetics and she wondered if a mini microbial fuel cell could be used,” Logan said. “There is a lot of organic stuff in saliva.”

za pomocą Tiny power generator runs on spit – Journal.