Grzegorz Lesiuk awrded by ESIS

At the last meeting of the Technical Committee TC 12 (Risk Analysis and Safety of Large Atractions and Components) of the ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) dr inż. Grzegorz Lesiuk received the Merit Award for his work for the ESIS technical committee and scientific contribution to the international conference IRAS 2019 associated with TC 12 ESIS.

Dr Lesiuk received the prize during the gala of the IRAS 2019 conference, where the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Tomasz Nowakowski, was also present.

New member of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy Codes and Standards Division

During the meeting of The First International Forum on Hydrogen Codes, Standards and Safety, which took place in Foshan (China) on 12-13.06.2019 dr inż. Paweł Gąsior was appointed to the International Association for Hydrogen Energy Codes and Standards Division.

The aim of this organization is to use the results of the latest scientific research and best engineering practices to develop and harmonize standards / legal regulations (RCS, Regulation-Codes-Standards) in the area of increasing the safety of using “hydrogen” technologies in the power industry.

It was established in 2016 and brings together researchers from the USA, Japan, and the UK. Britain, China, France, Canada, Germany, Poland. Her works are currently chaired by Prof. Jinyang Zheng (Zhejiang University).