Investigation of critical behavior in Gd75Ge15Si5Ce5 alloy

by Piotr Gębara, Mariusz Hasiak
Investigation of critical behavior in Gd75Ge15Si5Ce5 alloy (Piotr Gębara, Mariusz Hasiak), In Acta Physica Polonica A, volume 131, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000213225,
  author	= {Gębara, Piotr and Hasiak, Mariusz},
  title		= {Investigation of critical behavior in Gd75Ge15Si5Ce5 alloy},
  journal	= {Acta Physica Polonica A},
  year		= {2017},
  volume	= {131},
  number	= {5},
  pages		= {1232-1235},
  address	= {Częstochowa-Siewierz},
  doi		= {10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1232},
  keywords	= {współczynniki krytyczne, przejścia fazowe, stop magnetokaloryczny},
  owner		= {automat},
  timestamp	= {2018.02.01}