Microstructure to magnetic properties and nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties relationship in amorphous and partially crystallized Fe-Si-B-P-type alloy

by Mariusz Hasiak
Microstructure to magnetic properties and nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties relationship in amorphous and partially crystallized Fe-Si-B-P-type alloy (Mariusz Hasiak), In Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume 803, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000223107,
  author	= {Hasiak, Mariusz},
  title		= {Microstructure to magnetic properties and nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties relationship in amorphous and partially crystallized {Fe-Si-B-P}-type
  journal	= {Journal of Alloys and Compounds},
  year		= {2019},
  volume	= {803},
  pages		= {371-378},
  doi		= {10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.06.065}