Organizing Activity

Participation in the organizational and scientific committees of conferences:

  1. Organization of an international conference: 20th International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (20ICMFM) – http:// ICMFM, to be held on 02.09-04.09.2020 in Wrocław, functions: Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, membership in the scientific committee (organizers: PTMTS o/Wrocław, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) – webpage .
  2. 2nd International Conference of Structural Integrity 2017 – 4-7 September, Madeira, Funchal, Portugal. Functions: organizer of mini-symposium (International Symposium on Mixed mode fatigue crack growth – experimental, theoretical and numerical approach) i membership in the scientific committee of the conference, facilitating the session,
  3. 3rd International Conference of Structural Integrity 2019 – 2-5 September, Madeira, Funchal, Portugal. Functions: organizer of mini-symposium (International Symposium on Mixed mode fatigue crack growth – experimental, theoretical and numerical approach), co-organizer of mini-symposium: International Symposium on Structural Integrity of iron&steel Bridges i membership in the scientific committee of the conference:
  4. The organizer of mini-symposium (A – Fatigue crack growth – experimental, theoretical and numerical approach) and membership in the scientific committee and organizing committee of the conference 19thInternational Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM XIX), 5th to 7th September 2018, Porto, Portugal,
  5. IRAS2019 International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components – membership of the scientific committee – organizer of the thematic sessions(Vibrations, fatigue and fracture problems in safety of engineering structures, Structural Integrity of Lightweight Structures – experimental, theoretical and numerical approach) – 1-2 July 2019 –
  6. Polski Kongres Mechaniki – 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics and 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanicsco-organizer of  MINISYMPOSZJUM MS03: COMPOSITE STRUCTURES – MODELLING, TESTING AND MANUFACTURING – September 8-12, 2019, Krakow, Poland –
  7. „Session Developer” – conference PVP2019 – Pressure Vessels and Piping 2019, 14-20.07.2019, San Antonio, Texas (TX), USA –  MF session– Materials and Fabrication, MF-1-3- Application of Fracture Mechanics in Failure Assessment – III – function: Session Chair