Prof. Grzegorz Lesiuk awarded by the University of Porto

For many years, prof. Grzegorz Lesiuk, cooperates with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto). We have hosted lecturers from both academic staff and doctoral students at our seminar many times.

Prof. Lesiuk was also involved in international exchange (students and doctoral students) between universities.

In particular, he is involved in the work of the Structural Integrity Research Laboratory, which brings together employees, PhD students and final-year Master’s students interested in these issues related to the resistance of large structures (mechanical or construction) to the loads occurring in them.

On October 31, 2023, prof. Lesiuk gave a lecture entitled Energy approach in fatigue crack growtch description in metals addressed to employees and students of the Faculty of Engineering. This meeting was an opportunity to award prof. Lesiuk with a medal honoring his many years of scientific activity for the development of FEUP.


Wrocław University of Science and Technology is a member of the T.I.M.E. Advisory Committee.

As you may have noticed, in recent days the General Meeting of the T.I.M.E organization (Top International Managers in Engineering Association) was held at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Representatives of 48 universities from 21 countries deliberated for three days. This was reported on the website of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Our University has been a member of this association since 2004. From Poland, the AGH University of Science and Technology is also present there.

General Assembly of T.I.M.E. Members decided to admit the Wrocław University of Science and Technology to the Advisory Committee of this organization. This gives us an opportunity to make even better use of the opportunities offered by the organization:

  • Double diplomas;
  • Research internships;
  • Summer schools;
  • Massive open online courses.

This is very important from the University’s point of view and increases our chances for “internationalization”.

Prof. Grzegorz Lesiuk was also involved in presenting the potential of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, whose recent activity (ACASIS, BIP) also contributed to the good assessment of the University.

PhD at the University of Leoben

Neha Yadav, PhD student at the Chair of Processing of Composite Materials

Mrs. Neha Yadav, who visited us three times, obtained a PhD in technical sciences from the University of Leoben (Austria) for a thesis entitled: “Inline monitoring and control for Automated Tape Laying”. The thesis was also awarded.

It is worth emphasizing that some of the research was carried out as part of a bilateral cooperation program between the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Leoben, financed under an agreement between the Polish agency NAWA and the Austrian OeAD.

Neha Yadav with the examination commission: from left to right Raul Bermejo (chairman), Neha Yadav (graduate), Beata Oswald-Tranta (second examiner), Ewald Fauster (first examiner)

The results of joint research also helped Dr. Eng. Karol Wachtarczyk in the preparation of his doctoral dissertation.

More information about the promotion at Leoben can be found at:

We wish the Doctor many further scientific successes.

Professor Wołodymyr W. Panasiuk passed away

Панасюк Володимир Васильович

With great sadness and regret that we received the news of the death of Professor Volodymyr V. Panasyuk.

We had a long-term, deep friendship with Professor Volodymyr V. Panasyuk. He was a mentor to many of our actions, and above all, a kind and devoted friend, thanks to whom we learned not only about the achievements of the Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, but also about his beautiful homeland.

We experienced from the Professor not only the possibility of creative cooperation, but also a lot of warmth and very human and selfless kindness.

We will miss Professor Volodymyr V. Panasyuk very much. However, we believe that our cooperation and cordial friendship between the Departament and Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute will remain unchanged.

You can find here the photo from the hall of the main building of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, where there is a commemorative information with the obituary of Professor Volodymyr V. Panasyuk and condolences (in Polish).

1st International Conference on Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications

Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Department of Mechanics, Materials and Biomedical Engineering) are the organizers of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications AMBRA 2022.

The conference starts on May 16, 2022.

During the Conference, a discussion forum on advanced materials applicable in many biological and medical fields will be initiated. The conference will gather in Wrocław experts in the field of nanotechnology, biomaterials, tissue engineering, orthopedics, cardiosurgery and maxillary surgery, microbiology, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, agriculture and other fields.

During the conference, Dr. Beata Borak will present a paper entitled Foliar fertilization by the sol-gel particles containing Cu and Zn.

The organizers of the Conference on the part of the Department are:

  • Bartosz Babiarczuk, MA
  • Dr. Beata Borak
  • Jolanta Gąsiorek, MA
  • Dr. Justyna Krzak (co-chair)

Internship at the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies CNR — scholarship of NAWA program Iwanowska

The first seminar in the summer semester 2021/2022 will be inaugurated by Dr. Anna Szczurek. The topic of the speech will be:

Anna Szczurek performing M-line measurements

Internship at the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies CNR — scholarship of NAWA program Iwanowska

During the seminar, she will describe her experiences from the first months of work at Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie CNR-IFN, Trento. A certain part of the presentation will be devoted to the grant application procedure itself and to technical issues related to the trip.

You’re welcome

Bioeconomy: What’s new in bioeconomy and what’s not?

Dr. Patrick Dieckhoff from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will be the speaker at the next seminar. The theme of the meeting will be:

Case Study; Bioeconomy: What’s new in bioeconomy and what’s not? Strategic drivers and research policies around the world. Application examples from biomaterials to biological data.

Dr. Patrick DieckhoffDr. Patrick Dieckhoff is Secretary General Science Policy of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In this role he coordinates the political activities for the President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr. Reimund Neugebauer, in Berlin. The chemist and microbiologist with a doctorate is particularly interested in aspects of research and innovation, sustainability and social issues. Since he headed the office of the German Bioeconomy Council, Patrick Dieckhoff has been interested how the potential of natural renewable resources and knowledge about nature can be used and how new sustainable materials, processes and products can be created. As a former journalist, communication, the application of research results and international cooperation are particularly important to Patrick Dieckhoff. There have been close ties between the Technical University of Breslau and the Fraunhofer Society for decades. Patrick Dieckhoff is looking forward to further intensifying these relationships.

The challenges of rehabilitating the Hercílio Luz suspension bridge

This Wednesday (December 16, 2020) Prof. Hermes Carvalho will present the paper

The challenges of rehabilitating the Hercílio Luz suspension bridge

The Hercílio Luz suspension bridge, built-in 1926, has been out of service since 1991 due to high corrosion levels and structural element impairment. A complete rehabilitation project was developed which included the replacement of the impaired items and foundation strengthening. For this, an auxiliary structure was employed to support the central span during the rehabilitation process. A carefully studied load transfer process, where the central span loading is transferred from the eye-bar towards the auxiliary structure will be performed. For this purpose, a synchronized jacking sequence will be used, which was predefined by means of numerical model analysis. All structural elements had their designs evaluated and some geometric changes were implemented.

This lecture will present all the methodology developed in the rehabilitation project of Hercilio Luz bridge, as well as the development stages up to the end of the work.

Plane trusses assembly
Plane trusses assembly (Steinman, 1926).
Deck photos: support metallic elements assembly
Deck photos: support metallic elements assembly (Steinman 1926)
Deck photos: complete main span deck
Deck photos: complete main span deck (Steinman, 1926).

Hermes Carvalho received a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Brazil, in 2007, the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the same university, in 2010. Ph.D. degree in structural engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Brazil, in 2015.

He is currently a Professor of the Structural Engineering Department — Federal University of Minas Gerais. Researcher in Structural Engineering, mainly in the fields of Steel and Composite Structures, Offshore, Bridges and Structural Mechanics. He has experience in the design and execution of civil and mechanical structures, teaching, and research related to Structural Engineering. He is a coordinator of research projects at VALE, PETROBRAS, CAPES, FAPEMIG, CEMIG / ANEEL, FCT.

The reviewer of international journals in his area of research (International Journal of Fatigue, Engineering Failure Analysis, Journal Performance and Facilities, Structures, Maritime Engineering, among others). He is a member of the European technical committee ESIS-TC12 – Risk analysis and safety of large structures and components and works with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) in the elaboration of technical codes for structures.

Culture of an experiment