Influence of the static magnetic field and algal extract on the germination of soybean seeds

by Sylwia Lewandowska, Izabela M. Michalak, Katarzyna Niemczyk, Jerzy Detyna, Henryk Bujak, Pelin Arik
Influence of the static magnetic field and algal extract on the germination of soybean seeds (Sylwia Lewandowska, Izabela M. Michalak, Katarzyna Niemczyk, Jerzy Detyna, Henryk Bujak, Pelin Arik), In Open Chemistry, volume 17, 2019. ([Dokument elektroniczny])
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000222139,
  author	= {Lewandowska, Sylwia and Michalak, Izabela M. and Niemczyk, Katarzyna and Detyna, Jerzy and Bujak, Henryk and Arik, Pelin},
  title		= {Influence of the static magnetic field and algal extract on the germination of soybean seeds},
  journal	= {Open Chemistry},
  year		= {2019},
  volume	= {17},
  number	= {1},
  pages		= {516-525},
  note		= {[Dokument elektroniczny]},
  doi		= {10.1515/chem-2019-0039},
  timestamp	= {2019.08.23}