Thermomagnetic properties and first-order reversal curve analysis of annealed Fe-Co-Si-B-Mo-P Alloy

by Mariusz Hasiak, Marcel Miglierini
Thermomagnetic properties and first-order reversal curve analysis of annealed Fe-Co-Si-B-Mo-P Alloy (Mariusz Hasiak, Marcel Miglierini), In Acta Physica Polonica A, volume 131, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  Hasiak2017,
  author	= {Hasiak, Mariusz and Miglierini, Marcel},
  title		= {Thermomagnetic properties and first-order reversal curve analysis of annealed Fe-Co-Si-B-Mo-P Alloy},
  journal	= {Acta Physica Polonica A},
  year		= {2017},
  volume	= {131},
  number	= {5},
  pages		= {1222-1224},
  address	= {Częstochowa-Siewierz},
  doi		= {10.12693/APhysPolA.131.1222},
  keywords	= {własności magnetyczne, wygrzewanie izotermiczne, FORC},
  owner		= {automat},
  timestamp	= {2018.02.01}