The Impact of stabilization configuration on bone union possibility for fractures of the distal femur

by Jakub J Słowiński, Konrad Kudłacik
The Impact of stabilization configuration on bone union possibility for fractures of the distal femur (Jakub J Słowiński, Konrad Kudłacik), In 22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (T. Burczyński, ed.), Department of Structural Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {The Impact of stabilization configuration on bone union possibility for fractures of the distal femur},
  Author                   = {Słowiński, Jakub J and Kudłacik, Konrad},
  Booktitle                = {22nd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics},
  Year                     = {2017},

  Address                  = {Lublin},
  Editor                   = {T. Burczyński},
  Pages                    = {21-22},
  Publisher                = {Department of Structural Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology},

  Keywords                 = {metoda elementów skończonych, kość udowa, złamanie w stawie biodrowym},
  Owner                    = {automat},
  Timestamp                = {2017.11.14}