Preliminary design of an x-ray imaging system for the bone structure index evaluation

by Francesca Cosmi, Magdalena Tomanik
Preliminary design of an x-ray imaging system for the bone structure index evaluation (Francesca Cosmi, Magdalena Tomanik), In Materials Today: Proceedings [Dokument elektroniczny], volume 3, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000203374,
  author	= {Cosmi, Francesca and Tomanik, Magdalena},
  title		= {Preliminary design of an x-ray imaging system for the bone structure index evaluation },
  year		= {2016},
  journal	= {Materials Today: Proceedings [Dokument elektroniczny]},
  volume	= {3},
  number	= {4},
  pages		= {947-952},
  doi		= {10.1016/j.matpr.2016.03.026}