Studies on deformation of the transitive part of the spine vertical load

by Romuald Będziński, Zbigniew Bilinski, Jacek Chlebinski, Ludomir Jankowski, Gerwazy Świderski, Piotr Zydorowicz
Studies on deformation of the transitive part of the spine vertical load (Romuald Będziński, Zbigniew Bilinski, Jacek Chlebinski, Ludomir Jankowski, Gerwazy Świderski, Piotr Zydorowicz), Technical report, Raporty Inst. Konstr. Ekspl. Masz. PWr., 1984.
Bibtex Entry:
@TechReport{	  000059117,
  author	= {Będziński, Romuald and Bilinski, Zbigniew and Chlebinski, Jacek and Jankowski, Ludomir and Świderski, Gerwazy and Zydorowicz, Piotr},
  title		= {Studies on deformation of the transitive part of the spine vertical load },
  year		= {1984},
  institution	= {Raporty Inst. Konstr. Ekspl. Masz. PWr.},
  number	= {96}