Alteration of negative lattice expansion of the La(Fe,Si)13-type phase in LaFe11.14-xCo0.66NixSi1.2 alloys

by Piotr Gębara, Piotr Pawlik, Mariusz Hasiak
Alteration of negative lattice expansion of the La(Fe,Si)13-type phase in LaFe11.14-xCo0.66NixSi1.2 alloys (Piotr Gębara, Piotr Pawlik, Mariusz Hasiak), In Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, volume 422, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000205118,
  author	= {Gębara, Piotr and Pawlik, Piotr and Hasiak, Mariusz},
  title		= {Alteration of negative lattice expansion of the La(Fe,Si)13-type phase in LaFe11.14-xCo0.66NixSi1.2 alloys},
  journal	= {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials},
  year		= {2017},
  volume	= {422},
  pages		= {61-65},
  doi		= {10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.08.068},
  keywords	= {efekt magnetokaloryczny, dyfrakcja XRD, parametry sieci},
  owner		= {automat},
  timestamp	= {2017.06.16}