The application of the theory of large deformations in uniaxial tension-compression of selected metals

by Andrzej Kurek, Justyna Koziarska, Tadeusz Łagoda, Karolina Głowacka
The application of the theory of large deformations in uniaxial tension-compression of selected metals (Andrzej Kurek, Justyna Koziarska, Tadeusz Łagoda, Karolina Głowacka), In Procedia Structural Integrity [Dokument elektroniczny], volume 16, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000222142,
  author	= {Kurek, Andrzej and Koziarska, Justyna and Łagoda, Tadeusz and Głowacka, Karolina},
  title		= {The application of the theory of large deformations in uniaxial tension-compression of selected metals},
  journal	= {Procedia Structural Integrity [Dokument elektroniczny]},
  year		= {2019},
  volume	= {16},
  pages		= {19-26},
  doi		= {10.1016/j.prostr.2019.07.017}