Impact of hardness on the fracture and tear characterization of rigid pur materials used in suspension systems of vehicles

by Krzysztof Junik, Kamil Snowacki, Szymon Duda, Krzysztof Towarnicki, José A. F. O. Correia
Impact of hardness on the fracture and tear characterization of rigid pur materials used in suspension systems of vehicles (Krzysztof Junik, Kamil Snowacki, Szymon Duda, Krzysztof Towarnicki, José A. F. O. Correia), In Engineering Failure Analysis, volume 127, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  000231323,
  author	= {Junik, Krzysztof and Snowacki, Kamil and Duda, Szymon and Towarnicki, Krzysztof and Correia, José A. F. O.},
  title		= {Impact of hardness on the fracture and tear characterization of rigid pur materials used in suspension systems of vehicles },
  year		= {2021},
  journal	= {Engineering Failure Analysis},
  volume	= {127},
  pages		= {1-14},
  doi		= {10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105510}