Prospective Zr-based bulk metallic glasses as advanced materials for new generation implants and surgical tools

by Michał M. Biały, Mariusz Hasiak, Amadeusz Łaszcz
Prospective Zr-based bulk metallic glasses as advanced materials for new generation implants and surgical tools (Michał M. Biały, Mariusz Hasiak, Amadeusz Łaszcz), In , 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{	  000235574,
  author	= {Biały, Michał M. and Hasiak, Mariusz and Łaszcz, Amadeusz},
  title		= {Prospective Zr-based bulk metallic glasses as advanced materials for new generation implants and surgical tools },
  year		= {2022},
  pages		= {[92]},
  url		= {}