Structural, magnetic and mechanical properties of dual-phase Ni50Mn25Ga20Gd5 magnetic shape memory alloy

by Amadeusz Łaszcz, Mariusz Hasiak, Jerzy Kaleta
Structural, magnetic and mechanical properties of dual-phase Ni50Mn25Ga20Gd5 magnetic shape memory alloy (Amadeusz Łaszcz, Mariusz Hasiak, Jerzy Kaleta), In Acta Physica Polonica A, volume 135, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Structural, magnetic and mechanical properties of dual-phase Ni50Mn25Ga20Gd5 magnetic shape memory alloy},
  Author                   = {Łaszcz, Amadeusz and Hasiak, Mariusz and Kaleta, Jerzy},
  Journal                  = {Acta Physica Polonica A},
  Year                     = {2019},
  Number                   = {2},
  Pages                    = {301--303},
  Volume                   = {135},

  Timestamp                = {2019.05.27}