Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials

by Grzegorz Lesiuk, Barbara Rymsza, Józef Rabiega, José A. F. O Correia, Abílio M. P De Jesus, Rui Calçada
Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials (Grzegorz Lesiuk, Barbara Rymsza, Józef Rabiega, José A. F. O Correia, Abílio M. P De Jesus, Rui Calçada), In Engineering Failure Analysis, volume 96, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Influence of loading direction on the static and fatigue fracture properties of the long term operated metallic materials},
  Author                   = {Lesiuk, Grzegorz and Rymsza, Barbara and Rabiega, Józef and Correia, José A. F. O and De Jesus, Abílio M. P and Calçada, Rui},
  Journal                  = {Engineering Failure Analysis},
  Year                     = {2019},
  Pages                    = {409-425},
  Volume                   = {96},

  Keywords                 = {stare nitowane mosty, analiza mikrostruktury, odporność na pękanie, prędkość rozwoju pękania zmęczeniowego, całka J},
  Owner                    = {automat},
  Timestamp                = {2019.03.22},
  Url                      = {}