Release of fluconazole from contact lenses using a novel in vitro eye model

by Chau-Minh Phan, Magdalena Cieślak, Huayi Gao, Lakshman N Subbaraman, Lyndon Jones
Release of fluconazole from contact lenses using a novel in vitro eye model (Chau-Minh Phan, Magdalena Cieślak, Huayi Gao, Lakshman N Subbaraman, Lyndon Jones), In Optometry and Vision Science, volume 93, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{	  Phan2016c,
  author	= {Phan, Chau-Minh and Cieślak, Magdalena and Gao, Huayi and Subbaraman, Lakshman N and Jones, Lyndon},
  title		= {Release of fluconazole from contact lenses using a novel in vitro eye model},
  journal	= {Optometry and Vision Science},
  year		= {2016},
  volume	= {93},
  number	= {4},
  pages		= {387-394},
  doi		= {10.1097/OPX.0000000000000760},
  keywords	= {flukonazol, soczewka kontaktowa, dostarczanie leków, model oka, mikroprzepływy},
  owner		= {automat},
  timestamp	= {2017.01.17}