Archiwum kategorii: Konferencje

Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation

This course provides an overview of modeling approaches used in the mechanics of inelastic materials and structures, with special attention to the objective description of highly localized deformation modes such as cracks or shear bands. It is one of the RILEM educational courses. In 2014 it attracted 21 participants from 9 European countries.
In 2015, attendance of the course can be combined with participation in CIVIL-COMP 2015 (15th Int. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing), which takes place in the same building of the Czech Technical University in Prague on September 1-4. On top of that, on Saturday, September 5, you can watch the Birell Grand Prix, a night race downtown Prague with up to 9000 runners (you can even be one of them …).

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