Personal invitation
8th Bohemian – Saxon – Silesian Mechanics Colloquium is a continuation of already established tradition. The aim is to bring together colleagues of mechanics from neighbouring European regions of Bohemia, Saxony and Lower Silesia. During one day meeting the colleagues-guests should get an overview of CTU research activities.
Dear colleagues, I cordially invite you to visit us in Prague.Prof. Michael Valášek
Historical campus of CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Karlovo nám. 13. Subway line B, station „Karlovo náměstí“
Scientific Program
09.00-10.00 Coffee and soup
10.00-10.15 Prof. Michael Valášek Welcome Address
10.15-10.30 Valasek, Sika, Vaculin: New Multibody Formalism for Real Time Application
10.30-10.45 Zavrel, Skopec, Valasek, Steinbauer, Bauma, Sika, Vampola: Redundantly Actuated PKM Sliding Star – Concept and Control
10.45-11.00 Benes, Valasek, Sika, Hamrle: Measuring Machine for 6 DOF with Minimized Error Transfer
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-11.45 Necas, Valasek: Mechatronic Stiffness of a Beam
11.45-12.00 Steinbauer, Valasek, Sika: HIL Experiments of Brake Friendly Car Suspension
12.00-12.15 Vampola: Modeling of Acoustical Characteristics of Human Vocal Tract
12.15-12.30 Conclusions
12.30-12.45 Laboratory visit
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Discussions, Individual program (Suggested Prague Center visit)
Participants should register till December 4, 2006, preferably via e-mail.
Prof. Michael Valášek
Dept. of Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechatronics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Karlovo nám. 13
121 35 Prague 2
Tel.: +420 224357361
Fax: +420 224916709
E-mail: mechanika AT