Current Research on Fatigue and Fracture


Pokrzywna (Poland) 18-22.06.2001


Prof. W. Kasprzak, Poland
Prof. V. Panasyuk, Ukraine
Prof. S. Sähn, Germany


Prof. O.YE. Andreykiv, Ukraine
Dr R. Brooks, United Kingdom
Dr A. Buczyński, Poland
Prof. J. Čačko, Slovakia
Prof. A. Carpinteri, Italy
Prof. I.M. Dmytrakh, Ukraine
Prof. M.N James, United Kingdom
Dr S. Kłysz, Poland
Prof. D. Kocańda, Poland
Prof. S. Kocańda, Poland
Prof. M.S. Kumosa, USA
Dr T. Łagoda, Poland
Prof. E. Macha, Poland
Dr I.R. McColl, United Kingdom
Dr K. Molski, Poland
Prof. H. Nowack, Germany
Prof. H.M. Nykyforchyn, Ukraine
Prof. J. Okrajni, Poland
Prof. V.V. Panasyuk, Ukraine
Prof. J. Pokluda, Czech Republic
Prof. J. Polák, Czech Republic
Prof. N. Ranganathan, France
Prof. J.L Robert, France
Dr. D. Tchankov, Bulgaria
Prof. L. Tóth, Hungary
Prof. L. Várkoly Slovakia

Prof. E. MACHA – chairman
M.Sc. A. Niesłony – secretary
M.Sc. R. Bryś,
Eng. B. Chrobak,
M.Sc. T. Filarowska,
M. Filipek,
M.Phil. E. Helleńska,
M.Sc. A. Karolczuk,
M.Phil. G. Kończal,
Dr T. Łagoda,
M.Sc. Z. Marciniak.

Sponsored by:
  • Commission of the European Communities under the Leonardo da Vinci programme,
  • European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS),
  • State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN),
  • Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, The Branch of Opole.


  1. J. ČAČKO  Computer Modelling of Operating ProcessesforBoth Simulational and Experimental Investigation of Fracture Problems (409 k) [PDF]
  2. J. ČAČKO  Evaluation of a Fatigue CumulativeDamage in Service  Life Prediction (1.6 M) [PDF]
  3. A. CARPINTERI, A. SPAGNOLI, S. VANTADORI  CriticalPlane  Approach for Multiaxial Fatigue of Metals (312 k) [PDF]
  4. A. CARPINTERI, A. LANDINI, A. SPAGNOLI  Theoretical Interpretation of Size Effect in Fatigue (135 k) [PDF]
  5. S. KŁYSZ  Peculiarities of Fatigue Crack Growthand Odifications of the Wheeler Retardation Model  (2.0 M) [PDF]
  6. D. KOCAŃDA, S. KOCAŃDA, H. TOMASZEK  ExperimentalAnalysis and Modelling of Short and Long Fatigue Crack Growth in a TitaniumAlloy Notched Member (3.1 M) [PDF]
  7. M. KUMOSA  Fracture Analysis of Composite HighVoltage Insulators (953 k) [PDF]
  8. M. KUMOSA  Shear Dominated Failure Mechanismsin High  Temperature Graphite/Polymer Matrix Composites (351 k) [PDF]
  9. T. ŁAGODA, E. MACHA Energy Approach to FatigueLife Estimation under Combined Tension with Torsion (186 k) [PDF]
  10. K.L. MOLSKI A Crack Between Two DissimilarMedia  (163 k) [PDF]
  11. H. NYKYFORCHYN Effect of Hydrogen Degradationof Structural Steels on the Fatigue Crack Growth (279 k) [PDF]
  12. J. OKRAJNI  Fatigue of High Temperature Components  (1.4 M) [PDF]
  13. M.N. PACEY, E.A. PATTERSON, M.N. JAMES  A Photoelastic  Technique for Characterising Fatigue Crack Closure and the Effective StressIntensity Factor (318 k) [PDF]
  14. V. PANASYUK, I. DMYTRAKH  Corrosion FatigueCrackGrowth Emanating From Notches: Electrochemistry and Mechanical Aspects  (502 k) [PDF]
  15. J. POKLUDA  Tortuous Cracks Under Remote ModeI: The Statistical LEFM Approach (900 k) [PDF]
  16. J. POLÁK The Growth of Short CracksandLife Prediction (193 k) [PDF]
  17. N. RANGANATHAN  Fatigue Crack Growth under VariableAmplitude Loading inSelected Aluminium Alloys (275 k) [PDF]
  18. L. TÓTH Crack Propagation Sensitivityof Engineering Structures (137 k) [PDF]
  19. L. TÓTH  Fatigue Crack Growth Laws andTheir Material Parameters (138 k) [PDF]
  20. L. VÁRKOLY Fatigue Crack Tip ClosureConcept (historical review,methods and equipment for experimental observation,methods of computer modelling) (478 k) [PDF]
  21. K. VESSELINOV Inelastic Properties of Materials,Energy Dissipation and Fatigue Life Estimation under Uniaxial and MultiaxialStress (289 k) [PDF]